Source code for efmlrs.preprocessing.compressions.echelon

from efmlrs.util.log import *
from import *

[docs]def find_redundant_metabolites(smatrix, inner_counter): """ Calculates the reduced row echelon form of the stoichiometric matrix. Finds metabolites that are redundant due to conservation relations. :param smatrix: sympy matrix that contains the stoichiometric matrix :param int inner_counter: integer that counts iterative steps of nullspace compression :return: list redundant_metas: list of metabolites to be removed """ print("Start reduced row echelon form calculations", str(inner_counter), ". This may take a while") echelon = smatrix.T.rref(simplify=True, pivots=False) columns = echelon.shape[1] rows = echelon.shape[0] redundant_metas = [] j = 0 for i in range(0, rows): row = echelon.row(i) while j < columns and row[j] != 1: redundant_metas.append(j) j += 1 j += 1 return redundant_metas
[docs]def remove_redundant_metabolites(smatrix, metabolites, redundant_metas): """ Removes redundant metabolites from stoichiometric matrix and from list of metabolite names. Writes compression information to log file. ( :param smatrix: sympy matrix that contains the stoichiometric matrix :param list metabolites: list of metabolite names :param list redundant_metas: list of metabolites to be removed :return: - smatrix - sympy matrix reduced stoichiometric matrix - metabolites - list of reduced metabolite names """ for i in reversed(redundant_metas): log_delete_meta(metabolites[i]) del (metabolites[i]) smatrix.row_del(i) return smatrix, metabolites
[docs]def run(smatrix, metabolites): """ Entry point for echelon compression. Iteratively finds inconsistencies due to conservation relations of metabolites in the reduced row echelon form of the stoichiometric matrix and removes them. :param smatrix: sympy matrix that contains the stoichiometric matrix :param list metabolites: list of metabolite names :return: - smatrix - sympy matrix reduced stoichiometric matrix - metabolites - list of reduced metabolite names """ log_module() inner_counter = 1 while 1: redundant_metas = find_redundant_metabolites(smatrix, inner_counter) if len(redundant_metas) == 0: break smatrix, metabolites = remove_redundant_metabolites(smatrix, metabolites, redundant_metas) inner_counter += 1 return smatrix, metabolites